Feature Bengali film ‘Moner Manush’ has been released on last Friday at Bangladesh and India, which jointly produce by India and Bangladesh, Impress Telefilm is a producer from Bangladesh of this film. Renowned Indian filmmaker Gautam Ghosh directed the film ‘Moner Manush’ based on a novel by Sunil Gangopadhyay that presents a portrait of Fakir Lalon Shai. The film scripting, music directing and editing also did by Gautam Ghosh. A number of artists from both countries have been worked on this film. Raisul Islam Asad, Champa, Rokea Prachi, Chanchal Chowdhury and among others are the Bangladeshi artist of the film. Famous Calcutta movie actor Prosenjit, Pawoli Dam and few more have been played from India.
The film revolves with the life of Lalon, starting from his early days. According to the film, Lalon was born to a Hindu family. Through a turn of events the young Lalon is separated from his blood relatives and a Muslim family is given her shelter. The development of his philosophies regarding secularism is initiated when his original family refuses to accept him, as they consider him to be an outcast now. Simply to say this film main focus point is life of Fakir Lalon.
Film director express her feeling on moment release, he says, ‘One of the big dream of my life become success. When communal riots broke out in India following the Babri Mosque destruction, then I decided to make this film. Now I can say finally I am able to successfully complete this film. Presently it’s running on number of cinema complex of Bangladesh and Calcutta’.
The film ‘Moenr Manush’ is running now 30 cinema complexes of Bangladesh and 70 cinema complex of Calcutta. The audiences are giving very good reaction after watching the film.
The Famous Zone Photo: Scene shot images of Bengali film 'Moner Manush'.