Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kardashian Sisters Do Artful, Tasteful, Topless Photo Shoot To Promote Brand; Is It Appropriate Or In Poor Taste?

The Kardashian sisters have really gotten some flack since the whole Kim Kardashian-Kris Humphries divorce tainted the family brand. That's most likely the 'EXTRA-EXTRA' for this topless photo shoot to promote their new denim line(s), either for DASH and/or Kardashian Kollection.

It's ARTFUL taste to use long and slender legs to create an abstract 'K', and I don't know the purpose of the whole topless thing and while I'm trying to think from a 'body art' perspective, my mind is still telling me 'PUBLICITY'...

The pic on the right is definitely cool for the masses, but the pic on the left is probably the 'sales-driver,' like it or not... that's the way TODAY'S SOCIETY works....

Pic: MTO

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